Friday 4 November 2011

filming schedule

were going to start our setup and layout of our filming at 3oclock however im going to go and collect the lighting and smoke machine while alex and james setup the garage with blue sheets to match the background and clear out the floor space to put in the cinema seats.
we will then spend 30 mins setting up the lights to get them in exactly the correct position for filming.
then is costume, making sure we have the correct genre/ look of clothing.

we are firstly going to shoot the whole song in one shot angle to use as our base shot. we eill be using a pre programmed light setup with the projection playing in the background.
we will then with another camera equipped with a fish eye lens shoot close ups from several angles of me singing. we will do at least three different shots of each angle so we can be sure weve got all the footage that is needed.  more footage is better than not enough.  while we are shooting the main base shpot we also have a time lapse being shot which if we want can be placed within our music video, but is really just to show how we have produced our media project.

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